Thursday, 9 July 2015

Cape Cod Downwinder in Buzzard's Bay

Got in a couple of nice downwinders while in Cape Cod last week. There were steady 25mph winds and nice bumps. The 11km run from Woods Hole to Old Silver Beach worked very nicely. SSW winds would've been ideal, but the SW winds we got were good as well. I was told that there's often a good SW to S afternoon wind in the summer What a great spot for summer downwinders! Saw some kiters but didn't see another paddler out there. I'm missing it already.

Here a few pics from my second downwinder:

On my Starboard Ace:

I was taking some photos when I heard the rumbling of a breaking wave behind me. Managed to take a quick shot just before paddling away while still on my knees:

Some big chop:

Caught a photo of this breaking wave from the side view:

Close up of a wave about to break (looks bigger than it really is):

Nice bumps!:

The finish at Old Silver Beach - very nice beach!: