Since we hardly ever get conditions this windy, it was challenging but still a blast. Problem is that our windy days occur outside of summer. Downwinding is not a summer sport here. Just get the right suit and it's comfortable, even in winter.
We launched from Norris Cres., just west of Humber Bay and finished at the Toronto Windsurfing Club. In Humber Bay the larger groundswell pushed us WSW while shorter period wind waves were blowing WNW. This made it tricky to maintain longer glides.
As we reached Toronto Island, there were a few minutes of howling wind that threatened to push us away from the Island so we dropped down to our knees and paddled hard to make the beach on the point. Took a break on the beach before doing the rest of the paddle mostly sheltered from the offshore wind by Toronto Island.
I did get a bit of video, which I'll post at some point. In the mean time, here are some pics I took today:
Wind readings at Toronto Island |
Launch site:
Jess. Watch out for swans near the launch.